10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pomegranate

What do you know about pomegranate? This little fruit may be among the most underrated superfoods you’ve never heard of, but it has plenty of health benefits that have been well-researched by scientists. Here are the top 10 health benefits of pomegranate, to help convince you to start adding it to your diet today!


1) Prevents Heart Disease

Research suggests that pomegranate helps lower cholesterol, including low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol. This can help reduce your risk for heart disease, one of America’s biggest killers. An added benefit is that pomegranates may also contain compounds that help prevent blood clots from forming in arteries, thus reducing your risk for a heart attack. Studies have shown that regularly consuming pomegranates may improve blood flow to muscles and may also benefit patients with peripheral vascular disease.


2) Helps Lower Cholesterol

Research suggests that polyphenols in pomegranates can help lower cholesterol levels and heart disease risk. A study published in 2004 in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology found that consuming pomegranate juice for eight weeks lowered LDL (bad) cholesterol by 10 percent more than a placebo among obese women who did not regularly exercise.


3) Builds Strong Bones

Studies suggest that drinking pomegranate juice may increase bone density, particularly in postmenopausal women. The antioxidants found in pomegranates may help keep bones strong and healthy by eliminating free radicals that harm cells and contribute to aging.


4) Anti-Inflammatory Properties

The pomegranate’s high levels of antioxidants are great for fighting free radicals and reducing inflammation. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that cause cells to age more quickly; inflammation is a key factor in heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer. The health benefits of pomegranates include protection against all four major signs of aging: wrinkles, blemishes, lines and spots.


5) Reduces Risk of Diabetes

The pectin in pomegranates is a soluble fiber that helps with problems like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and constipation. It can also be helpful for improving cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Many individuals that have high cholesterol or diabetes tend to eat a diet high in carbohydrates; however, these can cause blood sugar spikes and dips as well as increase risks for heart disease.


6) Improves Digestion and Stomach Problems

Although you might be more familiar with its effects on heart health, pomegranate is great for digestive issues as well. It works by strengthening stomach muscles and reducing gas, bloating and acid reflux. A 2006 study found that in individuals suffering from indigestion, consuming pomegranates decreased symptoms by 41 percent over a seven-day period. And a 2010 study of children with constipation found that when half were given a pomegranate extract supplement, their symptoms improved within 10 days compared to five days for those who didn’t take it. These results are largely due to antioxidants known as anthocyanins in pomegranates that not only help support digestion but also protect against damaging free radicals like those released during stress or illness.


7) Treats Acne and Burns

In addition to boasting an antioxidant level that can reduce free radical damage, pomegranates also contain ellagic acid. This compound is known for its anti-inflammatory benefits and can be helpful in treating acne. In addition, it has also been linked to reducing stretch marks as well as soothing burns. So next time you need to treat a sunburn or take care of pesky pimples, reach for a bottle of pomegranate juice instead! You’ll get plenty of vitamin C in each serving, so drinking some during cold and flu season may help strengthen your immune system.


8) Keeps you Young and Healthy

This fruit is known for its anti-aging properties, which help increase cell longevity and slow down telomere shortening. You can also eat pomegranates to protect your heart health by lowering blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


9) Relieves Constipation

One study found that drinking 8 ounces of pomegranate juice a day for 2 weeks relieved constipation in about half of participants. Another study found that people who consumed pomegranate juice twice daily for 3 months had significantly less abdominal pain and a reduction in stool frequency. The pectin fiber in pomegranates acts as a natural bulk-forming laxative.


10) Reduces Risk of Cancer

If you want to lower your risk of developing cancer in your lifetime, pomegranates might be one tasty way to go about it. Studies have found that pomegranates can decrease tumor growth in prostate cancer patients and significantly reduce certain risk factors associated with breast cancer. In addition, a study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention also suggests that people who regularly consume pomegranates may have a decreased chance of developing mouth or throat cancers as well. As with any fruit containing antioxidant polyphenols (such as pomegranates), it’s thought that these polyphenols help protect cells from free radical damage caused by exposure to carcinogens such as cigarette smoke and radiation.

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