10 Unexpected Health Benefits of Eating Pineapple

Pineapple has long been a popular fruit among many cultures, and with good reason – it’s quite tasty! But did you know that there are actually multiple health benefits of eating pineapple? From fighting cancer to reducing your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, eating pineapple can help improve your health in more ways than you might think. Therefore, we cannot ignore health benefits of pineapple. In this article, we’ll explore 10 unexpected health benefits of eating pineapple that you may not have known about before now.


1) Pineapple fights cancer

According to a study conducted by researchers at Michigan State University, pineapple contains Bromelain—an enzyme that helps fight cancer. In one study, researchers discovered that consumption of Bromelain over a period of six months resulted in reduced cell division and death in human breast cancer cells. Other studies have found similar results in colorectal cancer and prostate cancer cells. These findings are preliminary, but it may be worth considering adding pineapple to your diet if you suffer from cancer or want to avoid developing it.


2) It's an antioxidant

Pineapples contain a variety of antioxidants like vitamins C and E, as well as beta-carotene. Antioxidants are known to help prevent damage to cells and DNA, lowering your risk for cancer and premature aging. One serving (about 1 cup) provides 88 percent of your daily vitamin C requirement. They're also good sources of manganese and thiamin.


3) Helps digestion

The bromelain in pineapple, a proteolytic enzyme, helps with digestion. Since digestion is one of the most important factors for health and weight loss, eating pineapple can actually aid you to lose weight. Bromelain also helps with inflammation, which is a contributing factor to many chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Its antioxidant properties protect you from free radicals that contribute to aging and disease. Maintaining your digestive system through regular use of pineapple is one way to help ward off serious health issues later in life.


4) Lowers blood pressure

Having chronically high blood pressure increases your risk for heart disease and stroke. Research shows that eating a cup of fresh pineapple every day can lower your blood pressure, though more studies are needed to determine exactly how it works. This could be due to flavonoids—compounds found in a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes and spices that help protect against cancer and boost heart health—which are especially prevalent in pineapple. You might want to consider stocking up on pineapples if you’re at high risk for hypertension or other health problems caused by chronic inflammation.


5) Prevents kidney stones

The antioxidants in pineapple, called bromelain, can be very helpful in preventing kidney stones. This compound is particularly beneficial for men who have had a history of kidney stones. Bromelain is also thought to fight inflammation and reduce swelling, making it effective for both speeding up recovery time from sports injuries and reducing swelling from arthritis. When used topically as an ointment or gel, it can effectively treat bug bites or stings by reducing inflammation and swelling. Because it is anti-inflammatory, some people find relief when they rub bromelain directly on areas affected by eczema or psoriasis. It may even help in regulating blood sugar levels in those with diabetes by inhibiting enzymes that break down carbohydrates into simple sugars.


6) Boosts metabolism

Pineapples are loaded with bromelain, an enzyme that can boost your metabolism. Studies show that bromelain decreases levels of a substance called ammonia in your blood, which is a byproduct created when protein breaks down. Having higher levels of ammonia in your blood causes you to gain weight and retain water; reducing it means you burn more calories and don't retain as much water. Bromelain also improves nutrient absorption and helps food break down so it's better for you — another great reason to eat pineapple daily!


7) Protects eyesight

Consuming just 3 ounces of pineapple daily may reduce your risk for glaucoma and other eye-related issues. Pineapples are high in lutein, a pigment which helps to protect eyesight and ward off degenerative conditions. They’re also rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant known to fight back against harmful free radicals that can damage cells, including those found in our eyes. According to a report published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, beta-carotene fights oxidative stress that otherwise cause harm to body tissue. Research has also found that glaucomas sufferers who consumed more fruits and vegetables experienced lower rates of vision loss than those who didn’t eat as many servings per day.


8) Keeps skin healthy

A 2015 study published in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry discovered that lycopene, a carotenoid found in large amounts in pineapple, has anti-aging effects on skin. These effects include improvements to skin elasticity, hydration and overall appearance. To keep your skin healthy and young looking, eat about 1/2 cup or two slices of fresh pineapple every day.


9) Fights cavities

Just one cup of pineapple contains 615 milligrams of citric acid. Citric acid is great for fighting cavities as it loosens up plaque that builds up in your mouth. It also stops bacteria from sticking to your teeth, which means you don’t get cavities or tooth decay as easily. If you want to prevent tooth decay, eat pineapple every day!


10) Improves immune system

pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that may boost immune system activity. Boosts digestion: pineapple is high in fiber and helps relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn. Lowers inflammation: pineapple helps to lower inflammation within the body by reducing levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), a hormone which triggers inflammation within tissues. Detoxes skin: anti-inflammatory properties from bromelain may improve overall appearance and texture, particularly when applied topically on a regular basis to reduce signs of aging. Supports digestive health: pineapple has long been used for its laxative effect; now we know why — it’s one of nature’s most concentrated sources of digestive enzymes.

So, you should incorporate pineapple in your daily diet plan to get maximum health benefits of the fruit.

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