10 Incredible Health Benefits of Pears You Didn't Know About

 How many ways can you say delicious? Pears are one of the most versatile fruits, with countless ways to eat them, and they're packed with nutrients and healthy benefits that make them worth adding to your diet. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of pears, including their vitamin C content, ability to fight cancer and more!


1) Anti-Cancer Properties

According to a study published in Cancer Letters, pears contain natural compounds called lignans, which have been shown to have anti-cancer properties. The research was conducted on animals but showed that these compounds were effective in stopping and reversing tumor growth when they were used as an extract. These compounds are also believed to inhibit carcinogens from binding with DNA. In addition, pears are a great source of potassium—one pear contains about 450 mg. Potassium is important for maintaining fluid balance and helps lower blood pressure levels. Potassium may also help prevent stroke by preventing cell damage and helping prevent blood clots from forming.


2) Protects Against Heart Disease

Like many other fruits, pears are very high in fiber. Fiber has been linked to lower cholesterol levels, which helps protect against heart disease. These pear benefits also help with digestion and control blood sugar levels. Another study showed that those who ate over 2 servings per day of pears had a reduced risk for coronary heart disease. Pear juice was found to be particularly effective in lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and improving antioxidant status. In fact, apple and pear juices decreased overall cardiovascular mortality by 50%!


3) Improves Your Immune System

Rich in vitamins and nutrients, pears can help fight off illness from colds to flu. Even if you’re not feeling ill, eating a pear a day will help keep your immune system strong and healthy. Aside from vitamin C and beta-carotene, pears are rich in flavonoids called quercetin and kaempferol that may also play a role in boosting immunity by fighting off bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing microorganisms.


4) Boosts Metabolism

Like most fruits, pears are low in calories and high in fiber, making them an ideal way to fill up without fattening yourself up. What’s more, a study published in Nutrition Journal found that eating at least three servings of whole fruit each day can boost your metabolism by as much as 30 percent.


5) Fights Diabetes

Pears are rich in fiber, which is essential for maintaining a healthy blood sugar level. Studies have shown that pears are especially effective at preventing diabetes in people who already have low blood sugar levels. The high fiber content not only stabilizes your blood sugar, but also keeps you feeling full between meals. Fiber isn’t digestible and it absorbs water in your stomach, making you feel fuller faster and longer.


6) Keeps Brain Young

Antioxidants such as quercetin, bioflavonoids and anthocyanins are key nutrients found in pears that are beneficial for brain health. In a study published in Nutrition Journal, researchers found that people who eat pears on a regular basis were able to better memorize words compared to those who consumed dried fruits or raisins instead. Additionally, because pears are high in fiber and water content, they can help you stay hydrated and feel full longer. These two factors make it easier to eat less during meals, which may lead to weight loss over time. Eating pear on a regular basis could also keep your brain young at any age.


7) Rejuvenates Skin

Filled with vitamin C, pears can help protect your skin from damaging free radicals. Vitamin C also has brightening properties that reduce dark spots, making it a great natural option for wrinkle-free skin and lightening brown spots and blemishes. Mix two tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon of lemon juice to create a natural face mask. Try it once or twice a week as part of your skincare routine, or after you've exposed your skin to sun damage—this will maximize its effects.


8) Reduces Pain and Inflammation

Studies have shown that eating pears can help reduce inflammation, lower cortisol levels and lessen pain associated with arthritis. It’s theorized that pears may have these effects because they contain high amounts of a flavonoid called quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Quercetin also helps keep your immune system healthy by inhibiting free radical activity.


9) Prevents Osteoporosis

Among its many health benefits, pears can also help prevent bone loss. A study in Phytotherapy Research found that a compound called inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) present in pears may be effective for preventing and treating osteoporosis. The study concluded that pear extract was as effective as a prescription drug at inhibiting bone loss caused by ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis.


10) Prevents Constipation

A cup of pear juice or pear fruit can add fiber to your diet, which promotes a healthy digestive system. One pear has 5 grams of fiber, and since most people don’t get enough in their daily diets (only 10 percent of Americans consume even half their daily recommended intake), they're an excellent way to prevent constipation. In fact, pears are so high in fiber that they’re considered a functional food and promoted for weight loss programs that address low-fiber issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Pear juice is particularly beneficial for IBS patients because it contains sorbitol—which helps lubricate stool—as well as potassium and magnesium, both essential nutrients for relieving IBS symptoms.

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