10 health benefits of watermelon that you didn't know about


Watermelon is known as the ultimate summer fruit, and with its juicy red insides, sweet taste, and easy shape to cut, you may already love it! But did you know that this treat has more health benefits than just tasting great? Let’s take a look at the top 10 health benefits of watermelon that you didn’t know about!


1) Watermelon is high in vitamin C

Watermelons contain nearly 20% of your daily vitamin C requirement in a single serving. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for healthy immune function, bone and tissue growth, wound healing, blood vessel function and more. The most abundant sources are citrus fruits like oranges and watermelons, but other good sources include grapefruit, guava, strawberries and kiwi. Vitamin C is also vital for collagen production; it's integral to skin elasticity and helps wounds heal quickly because it promotes collagen formation. Without adequate vitamin C intake from food or supplements, bones can become weak or thin which makes them more prone to fracture - especially in people who engage in sports with a lot of impact like running or jogging.

 Watermelon proven benefits

2) Watermelon is high in lycopene

Lycopene is a carotenoid found in red fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers, and—you guessed it—watermelons. Studies have shown that lycopene has antioxidant and anticancer properties. Lycopene also seems to play an important role in protecting against heart disease by reducing LDL cholesterol levels. And a 2011 study published in PLOS ONE found that lycopene had greater beneficial effects on risk factors for cardiovascular disease than other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Watermelon is an excellent source of B vitamins: Did you know there are over 1 dozen B vitamins?


3) Watermelon helps with digestion

Watermelons contain high levels of citrulline, which is a precursor to arginine, an amino acid. Arginine relaxes blood vessels and improves circulation, increasing your heart function and promoting digestion. The result is cleaner arteries and a healthier heart. Some research has shown citrulline may also help prevent kidney stone formation, but more studies are needed in order to confirm its effects.


4) Watermelon soothes joints and muscles

Watermelon contains compounds called citrulline and arginine, which can ease joint pain and muscle soreness. Also, watermelons contain electrolytes like potassium and magnesium, which aid in hydration and replenishing any nutrients lost due to exercise. Watermelons are one of nature’s best sources for lycopene, a compound that helps promote cardiovascular health. Lycopene is also known to help protect against several types of cancer including prostate cancer.


5) Watermelon contains amino acids, antioxidants, and electrolytes

Watermelon contains amino acids, which is necessary for a healthy life. Also, it has antioxidants and electrolytes, which makes you more active. Watermelons are also good sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, iron and zinc. Let's see what else they can do for your health!


6) Watermelon helps with weight loss by hydrating your body

When we talk about losing weight, we often talk about it in terms of numbers and pounds. But healthy living has a lot to do with feeling better and having more energy. Watermelon can give you both by hydrating your body, something most fruits are very good at doing. For best results, look for watermelons that are ripe but still firm—the red color at their base will be a great indicator. All in all, a refreshing snack or sweet fruit juice addition is an excellent way to keep your body properly hydrated! And if these 10 reasons aren’t enough for you to consider adding some melon into your diet (or drinking it), here’s one more: It’s delicious!


7) The seeds help cure arthritis

Like all members of the melon family, watermelons contain an antioxidant called beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, which is necessary for fighting inflammation in your body. According to research published in 2011, rabbits with rheumatoid arthritis treated with beta-carotene have reduced symptoms. Given that many people are deficient in vitamin A, it's definitely worth eating more beta-carotene rich foods like fruits and vegetables - and more research into whether supplemental vitamin A can reduce arthritis symptoms (and if there are any side effects) should be done.


8) Watermelons are naturally sweet without added sugar or artificial ingredients.

Watermelons are sweet, but they don’t have added sugar or artificial ingredients. This is helpful for those who want to enjoy a sweet taste but don’t want to sacrifice their health in exchange. Watermelons also contain significant amounts of vitamin C, beta-carotene and lycopene—all natural compounds known for contributing to healthy skin, hair and nails. You may already add other fruits and vegetables with these nutrients into your diet, but adding watermelon can be especially beneficial due to its high lycopene content. Lycopene is one antioxidant that may reduce the risk of certain cancers as well as heart disease.


9) The rind can be used as an exfoliant on your skin and hair

It may sound strange, but rubbing a slice of watermelon rind on your skin and hair can actually reduce dark spots and blemishes. The citric acid in watermelons is often used as an active ingredient in chemical exfoliants because it helps remove dead skin cells. Simply rub a slice of rind against your face to slough off those nasty patches. If your hair has a tendency to get oily at the roots, rub some rind along your strands as well; it will cleanse excess oil without drying out your scalp.


10) Eating a large amount of watermelon will ensure you're getting enough H2O!

In other words, in a day if your body weighs 175 pounds (79.5kg), you should aim to drink at least 79 ounces (2 liters) of liquid. That's more than eight cups! If only it were as easy as drinking a few glasses of water, right? Health experts recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces of water daily - A half-cup serving of watermelon is equivalent to almost 1/4 cup of ice cubes. So eating a large amount of watermelon will ensure you're getting enough H2O!: In other words, in a day if your body weighs 175 pounds (79.5kg), you should aim to drink at least 79 ounces (2 liters) of liquid. That's more than eight cups!

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  1. Watermelon is more healthy than that you have written in this article

  2. Really useful , impressive and excellent research .


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